In the past few years, unified communications as a service (UCaaS) became essential for businesses, especially when people had to work from home during the pandemic. Whether the goal was to adapt to new technology, unify their communication stack, or encourage remote work culture, unified communications are one way to do it.

However, for many, UCaaS is still an unknown concept. Before incorporating it into their work culture, leaders and business owners want to learn how it works. And that’s why we are here.

Here are four things to help you get you started:

Unified communications covers message, voice calls, video calls – all at once

Chats, video calls, voice calls – you can’t get all the work done with a single communication method. Whether you need to make some quick status updates or want a detailed status review, different communication methods have additional benefits and can prove more suitable depending on the task at hand.

Usually, an employee should be capable of maintaining the progress of their projects with communication tools that enable them to move swiftly from one mode to another, depending on the task’s priority.

However, many companies are still deploying different solutions for every type of communication – a dedicated calling system, video conferencing solution, etc. This could result in time wastage due to lost context and toggling between apps.

Unified communications, on the contrary, incorporates text messaging, voice calling, and video conferencing – all your communications needs in one single place. As a result, the unified communication manager in your company can reduce friction, making it easier for you to share and collaborate information on multiple channels.

You won’t require on-premises hardware

Traditional phone network systems need to be physically installed on-premises. But that’s something no longer makes sense for a business – and not because more and more people are working from home. Traditional phone network carries hefty cost and management problems compared to cloud-based “as-a-service” solutions. Employing UCaaS, you’ll be only paying for the services used, and necessary infrastructure and management are all part of the service. However, you will need a talented unified communications manager in your company.

Your unified communication manager will ensure that all your infrastructure is situated in secure offsite data centers, where it’ll be managed and operated by IT experts 24×7. Your company will no longer have to maintain and repair costly phone systems and dedicated. Skilled IT staff won’t be necessary for ensuring troubleshooting and reliable services.

Multi location management made easy

Businesses today are more geographically scattered than ever before. While there are mainly business reasons for having offices at multiple locations, it can make managing and provisioning traditional phone service costlier and complicated.

Since unified communication lives in the cloud, all types of administering and maintaining services in different locations are streamlined. No longer will you need phone lines, nor will you need a dedicated technical staff except a unified communication manager.

With the help of a unified communication manager, you can get your system running anywhere you want. All you are going to need is a working and reliable internet connection.

Crucial for remote and hybrid work culture

When the pandemic was at its worst, businesses experienced a steady increase in productivity as employees weren’t working from the office – as a result, many companies started introducing permanent remote and hybrid work cultures to their production and operations management. However, remote and mixed work culture is a distant dream without the right tools.

Unified communications enable a remote worker to share information in a fraction of a second. With UCaaS and a skilled, suitable communication manager, you can have complete access to every mode of communication from the web, laptop, or smartphone – anytime and anywhere.

In the End

There are many reasons businesses adopt cloud-based unified communications systems, from empowering higher productivity and the capability to collaborate flawlessly to improving cost efficiencies and service reliability.

Talygen is an excellent productivity management software that focuses on unified communication. It’ll help your business grow and make your business processes easier for employees and clients. Ask your production and operations management to sign up for Talygen today to give your company an edge over your industry leaders.

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